
Alumni Grants

Alumni Council Grants support fellow-to-fellow initiatives that benefit local communities.

Applying for a grant

Previously funded projects


Fall Study Tour

The Annual Fall Study Tour brings fellows together to explore a community, guided by local Loebs. Every 5th year, we gather for a reunion in Cambridge and Boston.

Past study tours


Day of Service

The inaugural Loeb Alumni Day of Service took place in Tijuana after the 2019 Fall Study Tour. The next day of service will take place during the postponed 50th Reunion, date TBD.


Memorial Luncheons

The Annual Memorial Luncheons gather Loebs of a particular city on the first Friday of December. The events commemorate the annual luncheons held by John and Frances Loeb in their home. They are a chance to network, catch up on recent work, and forge new friendships.