The Fellowship began 50 years ago, when John Loeb (Harvard College 1924), concerned about the chaos in American cities, wanted Harvard University to provide leadership. With the help of Urban Planning and Design professor William Doebele, he created a program to offer the resources of Harvard University to accomplished practitioners. He would offer a year in residence at the Graduate School of Design, in fellowship with other innovators, to support and nourish their ambitions to create positive change in the built and natural environments. The Loeb Fellowship invited its first class to Harvard during the 1970-71academic year. Fifty years later, John and Frances Loeb’s generous endowment has had a lasting impact. Over 450 Loeb Fellows are working around the globe, refreshed and inspired by their year in residence, and buoyed by the broader fellowship of Loeb alumni.
Each fall, Bill Doebele welcomed the incoming class with stories and advice. In 2005, Allegra Pitera recorded his visit and designed this video, produced by Jim Stockard, Sally Young and Virginia Prescott ‘02.