Community Gatherings…

Southern Coffee Talks:
Climate and Spatial Justice in the Global South
November 4, 2023 - Watch the video
Hosted by…
Alejandro Echeverri, LF16
Surella Segu, LF18
Mike Smith Masis, LF19
Rahal Shawl, LF17
Maria-Mercedes Jaramillo Garcés, LF24
Natalia Garcia Dopazo, LF23
Establishing, strengthening, and propagating a network of urban thinkers and doers for the Global South (Latin America and Africa) is not only relevant, but necessary. This gathering was an opportunity to engage the Loeb Fellowship in regional issues and for Loebs to become allies of local initiatives in need international support.
Do you want to know more, assist, or participate in a Coffee Talk? Click here!
April 20, 2020
Our first gathering, on April 20, hosted by LFAA President Rob Stein ‘94, and moderated by Chee Perelman ‘11, featured Samuel Bonnet ‘18, Deanna Van Buren ‘13, Brett Moore ‘16, and Cathleen McGuigan ‘93, discussing their work in the context of Covid-19. John Peterson joined the group to discuss Fellowship news.
Community Gatherings
The Ecuadorian Amazon
Feb. 26, Noon ET
Ana Maria Duran Calisto ’11 has been working in the Ecuadorian Amazon for many years and this year has been teaching an architectural studio at Yale University looking at the effects of de-forestation and land ownership. She shared a film and answered questions about her work and the world she has been studying.
Chee Pearlman (also ’11) talks with Ana Maria and fields the discussion.
Background readings:
Arts Advocacy
June 7, 2021
Laurie Beckelman ’88, Jamie Blosser ’15, Michiel van Iersel ’19, and Josephine Ramirez ’03 discussed the topic of Arts Advocacy.
April 17, 2021
Marc Norman ‘15, Reese Fayde ‘79, and Stephen Norman ‘86 discussed housing, moderated by Jim Stockard ‘78
February 27, 2021
Florencia Rodriguez ‘14, Patricia Leigh Brown ‘10, and Tau Tavengwa ‘18 discussed the topic of journalism.
December 19, 2020
Jean Brownhill ‘12, Kevin Cavanaugh ‘08, and Eric Williams ‘18 discuss how this year’s events affected their businesses and how they have recovered.
Unbuilding Racism
August 13, 2020
De Nichols ‘20, Stephen Goldsmith ‘00, and Roger Cummings ‘09 discuss the topic of dismantling racism with Loeb alumni.
April 20, 2020
Our first gathering, on April 20, hosted by LFAA President Rob Stein ‘94, and moderated by Chee Perelman ‘11, featured Samuel Bonnet ‘18, Deanna Van Buren ‘13, Brett Moore ‘16, and Cathleen McGuigan ‘93, discussing their work in the context of Covid-19. John Peterson joined the group to discuss Fellowship news.
Community Gatherings
April 17, 2021
Marc Norman ‘15, Reese Fayde ‘79, and Stephen Norman ‘86 discussed housing, moderated by Jim Stockard ‘78
February 27, 2021
Florencia Rodriguez ‘14, Patricia Leigh Brown ‘10, and Tau Tavengwa ‘18 discussed the topic of journalism.
Unbuilding Racism
August 13, 2020
De Nichols ‘20, Stephen Goldsmith ‘00, and Roger Cummings ‘09 discuss the topic of dismantling racism with Loeb alumni.
April 20, 2020
Our first gathering, on April 20, hosted by LFAA President Rob Stein ‘94, and moderated by Chee Perelman ‘11, featured Samuel Bonnet ‘18, Deanna Van Buren ‘13, Brett Moore ‘16, and Cathleen McGuigan ‘93, discussing their work in the context of Covid-19. John Peterson joined the group to discuss Fellowship news.