Upcoming Events

Virtual Global Memorial Toast
We invite you to join our next virtual Global Loeb Memorial Toaston Thursday, December 5, from 12:30 – 1:15 PM ET! We’re excited to continue holding this space for Loebs worldwide to come together in celebration and gratitude for John and Frances Loeb, whose generosity made our community possible.
Please reach out to the Loeb Office if you’re organizing a local in-person luncheon on or around December 6th (the first Friday of December) and are looking for a list of Loeb contacts in your area. We also ask that you please share any photos from gatherings here (please include the year in the description).
Register here to join the virtual global celebration, where we'll raise a glass in unity and camaraderie. This virtual event complements the local luncheons, allowing all Loeb can take part in the festivities.
We can't wait to share this cherished tradition with you all!

Loeb Memorial Luncheon
Philadelphia lunch, 2022
The Annual Memorial Luncheons take place the first Friday of December to honor John and Frances Loeb, who for several years, hosted annual luncheons for Loeb classes at their New York City home.
Planned by groups of Loebs around the globe, the lunches are a chance to honor the Loebs, make new friendships, strengthen local ties, and reconnect with the Fellowship.
Please consider organizing a lunch in your hometown. Contact LaShawn with the details of your gathering so we can help spread the word.
Memorial Toast
We invite you to join our next virtual Global Loeb Memorial Toast in which Loebs around the world come together in celebration of and in gratitude for John and Frances Loeb, whose whose gift made our community possible.
Register here to join us for this virtual global celebration to raise a glass in unity and camaraderie. This virtual event complements the local luncheons, ensuring that every Loeb can participate in the festivities.
Fall Study Tour, Denver Colorado
This year’s Loeb Study Tour will take place in Colorado, addressing three themes—urban planning & design, water and indigenous arts & culture. Ove Over the course of four days, activities will include:
A field trip to the US Olympic Museum in Colorado Springs,
a walking tour of Lower Downtown Denver,
a daylong bus tour examining the big picture of urban planning and design in Denver,
a morning of panels on the topic of Water in the West,
a visit to Tryba Architects,
a day of service, organized by Rob Lane
a field trip to Boulder

Spring Collaboratory
The spring Collaboratory will meet on June 2, 12-1pm EDT, featuring projects from Betsy Otto ‘07 and Michelle Sullivan ‘05

Annual LFAC Meeting
This year's meeting will be conducted in hybrid-fashion. All Alumni are welcome to attend the meeting, but registration for in-person or virtual participation is required.

Class of 2023 Presentations
Join the Class of 2023 as they reflect on their year as Loeb Fellows.

Winter LFAC Meeting
LFAC meetings are open to all alumni. Join the next one in February, via zoom.
The first half of the meeting will discuss the business of the council which will take about 60 minutes. Tune in for the updates and exciting opportunities that need your assistance and participation. The second half will be spent on a larger topic that will engage the entire alumni association. For this meeting, the newly formed connection group, the Loeb Water Group will present.
Below is a brief overview of the discussion that will be facilitated by members of the Loeb Water Group:
Climate change is one of our most pressing challenges. Understanding and addressing water impacts (floods, drought, pollution, water supply) is at the heart of adapting to climate change, balancing temperature extremes, and building climate resilience. A group of Loeb Fellows with a strong interest and expertise in water and climate adaptation have organized themselves as a group that can serve as a resource for the LFAA, the GSD and larger community of urban planners / designers. In addition to inviting other interested alumni to join the group, we hope to collaborate with you on any projects or initiatives that may need the unique expertise and capabilities that we offer.
All meeting materials (agenda, minutes, etc.) for this meeting can be found here
You must register in advance to attend. Sign up here

Local Memorial Lunches
Join your neighbors for an in-person lunch to honor the memory of John and Frances Loeb.
If a lunch has not been planned in your town, make it happen. You only need one other Loeb! Last year we had in-person events in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, and Washington DC. London? New Orleans? LA? SF? Make a plan today. and get in touch if you need contact information or want to spread the word.

Virtual Loeb Memorial Lunch
Loebs far and near will join online to toast John and Frances Loeb
Day of Service
Join fellow Loebs in a design and planning workshop devoted to art based place-making in Lowell, MA led by LZ Nunn, 2013. This service day will follow our Reunion weekend in Cambridge so stay an extra day and help out if you can. The day will include a city tour and three case study sites. Start and end time will be available soon.

50th Anniversary Reunion
Our in-person celebration of Loeb history will begin with a Boston tour on Thursday afternoon and end with a Day of Service on Monday.
Alumni Grant Application Deadline
Deadline to submit a completed Alumni grant application for 2022.
Alumni Grant Call-in Session
A virtual drop-in session for project proposers. Bring your questions for members of the Grants Committee, and your team needs as well. Sally Young will once again be on hand to provide suggestions for team members from across the years. Registration link will be available soon.
5-6 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Hear pitches and make commitments to assist Loeb Fellows on a range of projects, 12:30-2:00 ET
LFAC Spring Meeting
LFAC Members: We hope you can make it to Cambridge for the first in-person meeting since 2019
Friday night we’ll convene in Piper at 6:30, where current Loebs will present their year in review. Saturday, the annual meeting will take place at the GSD 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM, followed by drinks and dinner.
Urban/Rural: Divided or Cojoined?
A Loeb 50th Anniversary Symposium
As we all confront racism, economic disparities, climate impacts, lack of access to nature and the challenge of providing clean air and clean water, we often ignore or disregard the role that rural communities and rural landscapes provide for climate resilience, economic opportunity and nature conservation.
This panel discussion is not meant to contrast urban centric vs rural centric views and values but to explore and define areas for collective engagement and action. We will bring together Loeb fellows with deep practical experience in the rural/urban interface and one scientist who has created the spatial template that defines climate resiliency attributes that touch urban, suburban and rural landscapes.
This event is organized by Peter Stein ‘83

Leslie Lokko
The Ghanaian-Scottish architectural academic, educator and bestselling novelist Lesley Lokko is this year’s Senior Loeb Scholar.

Community Gathering: The Ecuadorian Amazon
Ana Maria Duran Calisto ’11 has been working in the Ecuadorian Amazon for many years, recently focusing on forest restoration. She will share a film and then answer questions about her work.
LFAC Winter Meeting
All Loeb alumni are welcome to attend. More information and registration link here

Virtual Study Trip- Day 2
Join us for the second day of virtual touring around the globe.

Virtual Study Trip- Day 1
The annual Loeb Study Tour is going g-Loeb-al and virtual for 2022.
Fall Collaboratory
Loebs will present their projects for this second Collaboratory meeting. Listen to the pitches, and make personal commitments to aid one or more of your fellow Loebs based on project needs and the Loeb’s interests and talents. Fellows are encouraged (but are not required ) to offer firm commitments of help, not commentary or critique. This may consist of social, intellectual, institutional, and/or financial capital and it will be the responsibility of those receiving and giving commitments to follow up on them.

Loeb50: Mobility in the Post Pandemic City
Examining the post-pandemic transportation landscape
Collaboratory Submission Deadline
The Loeb Fellowship and the Loeb Alumni Council are pleased to issue a call for projects and announce the second Loeb Collaboratory.

Loeb Lecture: Reginald Dwayne Betts, “Felon: A play; A discourse”
This year’s Loeb Lecture will be given by Reginald Dwayne Betts, a critically acclaimed poet, scholar and advocate for criminal justice reform. Betts has described his path from teenage incarceration to Yale Law School, in both his writing and speaking. Read more about this exceptional person and the solo performance he’ll present on Oct.5.
This program will be virtual. Registration is required to attend and to submit questions.

Design Impact: Following the Sun
Sponsored by the GSD Alumni Council, this two-day global virtual summit brings together an outstanding roster of global leaders to share their work on of health, climate change and equity.