Washington Fajardo ‘19

Since he left the Fellowship, Washington has been talking and writing (in Portuguese) on multiple subjects:

  • He has hosted a series of live interviews on Instagram—Washington Fajardo Talks—with economists, designers, environmentalists, politicians, and writers focused on the topic of cities and human ecologies. He would love to interview Loebs who would like to say something to his Brazilian audience.

  • He recently moderated a dialogue with Brazilian favela leaders, which was promoted by Harvard Brazil Dialogues Online. He hopes the video will soon feature English subtitles.

  • He authored a policy paper on social hosing for Rio and Brazil, a piece on racism and urbanism comparing different historical methods of the USA and Brazil, but with similar consequences,

  • His three recent research proposals involving data analytics, visualization, and critical-radical urban Brazilian contexts  - favelas and vacant buildings were written in English. He’ll be working on this research next semester and would love feedback from other Loebs.

    Contact Washington


Brent Leggs ‘11


Andrew Salzberg ‘20